Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Engaging Epilog-Chapter 5-Another Case Solved

Another Case Solved-Chapter 5-Engaging Epilog

How the case begins:

Ahhhhh a secret door!

That's it! You are looking for the note!

Suspect identified! AVI RITCHIE

Map location search!

Guilty Government-Chapter 5-Another Case Solved

Another Case Solved-Chapter 5-Guilty Government

How the case begins:

Map location search:

Room search: 5 Alarm rooms! Careful!

Wire to cut BLUE!

Cut the BLUE wire!

Wire to cut RED!

Wire to cut GREEN!

Cut the GREEN wire!

Cut the RED wire!

That's It! You are looking for PRESS BADGE!

Suspect Identified! PAUL LITZER

NOTE: There are 3 ?'s that you will need to answer. ?1=John Bravucci, ?2=soap factory, ?3=ledger!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Candy Campaign-Chapter 5-Another Case Solved

Another Case Solved-Chapter 5-Candy Campain

How the case begins:

Map location search:

Suspect identified: MARK FLANAGAN

Wire you need to cut RED!

Cut the RED wire!

Wire you need to cut YELLOW!

Well it was not the yellow one, I think you should try BLUE?...... LET ME KNOW IF CORRECT

Wire to you need to cut GREEN!

Cut the GREEN wire!

Ahhhhh a secret door!

That's it! You are looking for the ledger!

Insidious Investments-Chapter 5-Another Case Solved

Another Case Solved-Chapter 5-Insidious Investments

How the case begins:

Suspect Identified: JANE HONDA

 Room search: There are 3 alarm rooms.

The wire to cut in bottom alarm room is YELLOW! note: I don't have a pic of this being cut because i didn't cut yellow.

Wire to cut in top left room is BLUE!

Cut the BLUE wire!

Wire to cut in top right alarm room: GREEN

Cut the GREEN wire!

 That's it! You are looking for the melted molasses!

 Map location search:

Cleaner's Confession-Chapter 5-Another Case Solved

Another Case Solved-Chapter 5-Cleaner's Confession

How the case begins:

Map location search:

Room search: only one alarm! Wire to cut is BLUE!

Cut the BLUE wire!

That's It! You are looking for the revolver!

Suspect Identified: JOHN BRAVUCCI

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Malicious Mobster-Chapter 5-Another Case Solved

Another Case Solved-Chapter 4-Malicious Mobster

How the case begins:

Suspect Identified: SALOMON CRANE

Map location search:

Room search: Alarm locations

Cut the RED wire:

Wire to cut GREEN!

Cut the GREEN wire!

Ahhhh a secret door!

If you want to take a different route there is another alarm at the carousel.

Cut the RED wire!

That's it! you are looking for the switch!