Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Guilty Government-Chapter 5-Another Case Solved

Another Case Solved-Chapter 5-Guilty Government

How the case begins:

Map location search:

Room search: 5 Alarm rooms! Careful!

Wire to cut BLUE!

Cut the BLUE wire!

Wire to cut RED!

Wire to cut GREEN!

Cut the GREEN wire!

Cut the RED wire!

That's It! You are looking for PRESS BADGE!

Suspect Identified! PAUL LITZER

NOTE: There are 3 ?'s that you will need to answer. ?1=John Bravucci, ?2=soap factory, ?3=ledger!


  1. There are 3 questions at the end of this caper... Who was the witness? John Bravucci. Where was he investigating? Soap Factory. What was his evidence? Ledger. Thankfully I got these right, don't know what would have happened if I didn't.

  2. Thanks for all your help with some of these. I get sick of the maps and use your cheat to get thru them faster.
